UPCOMING! 🧑🏾🌾 Join us for a workshop on Soil Health & Earth Regeneration on Sunday, March 16th, 1pm - 4pm! In this workshop, Master Gardener Waunette Cullors ( @waunette ) of WOW Flower Project ( @wowflowerproject ) and artist gene aguilar magaña ( @gene__studio ) collaborate with soil, seed, clay, and compost. Together, the two navigate through an understanding of soil health and restoration through community gardening practices. Learn how to use restorative California native seeds to build sculptural seed capsules* from compost! The seeds will be specific to restoring the toxic foundations of Tovaangar (Los Angeles basin) and the pollution caused by the recent fires.
*The inspiration for the seed capsule (a term derived from the well known term ‘seed bombs’ but less violent) sculpture workshop comes from traditional Egyptian farming, Masanobu Fukuoka(plant scientist), and Guerrilla gardening techniques, and from a 2023 workshop in which gene collaborated with California native plants and community members to help restore Monarch overwintering habitats.